Geri Freki

Haegolae Haegolae Haegolae Wiju Bi Gojze
Gaegogae Gaegogae Gaegogae Ginu Gahelija

Haugen Maunen

Ok Alfadhir heitir

Fimbul thulur Fjoelnir
Udhur Ulfroegni
Thekkur Thudur
Onski Ofnir
Grimnir Goendlir (Kaunan)
Hlefreyr Hangatyr
Njolstapi Naudhvindir
Jolfudhr Jafnhaur (Is)
Atridhir Alfadhir
Sidgrani Sigfadhir
Dughirgjafi Dresvarpir
Bileygur Biflidhi
Margvisir Midhvitnis
Londungr Launhirdir
Yggr ok Yungir

Min Warb Naseu

Wilr Made Thaim

I Bormotha Hauni

Hu War

Hu War Opkam Har a Hit Lot

Got Nafiskr Orf

Auim Suimade

Foki Afa Galande

What am I supposed to do

If I want to talk about peace and understanding

But you only understand the language of the sword

What if I want to make you understand that the path you chose leads to downfall

But you only understand the language of the sword

What if I want to tell you to leave me and my beloved ones in peace

But you only understand the language of the sword

I let the blade do the talking…

So my tongue shall become iron

And my words the mighty roar of war

Revealing my divine anger´s arrow shall strike

All action for the good of all

I see my reflection in your eyes

But my new age has just begun

The sword is soft

In the fire of the furnace

It hungers to be hit

And wants to have a hundred sisters

In the coldest state of their existence

They may dance the maddest

In the morass of the red rain

Beloved brother enemy

I sing my sword song for you

The lullaby of obliteration

So I can wake up with a smile

And bliss in my heart

And bliss in my heart

And bliss in my heart

Coexistence, Conflict, combat

Devastation, regeneration, transformation

That is the best I can do for you

I see a grey gloom on the horizon

That promises a powerful sun to rise

To melt away all moons

It will make the old fires of purification

Look like dying embers

Look like dying embers

Look like dying embers

Min Warb Naseu

Wilr Made Thaim

I Bormotha Hauni

Hu War

Hu War Opkam Har a Hit Lot

Got Nafiskr Orf

Auim Suimade

Foki Afa Galande

Hu War

Hu War Opkam Har a Hit Lot

Ylir Men Aero Their

Era Mela Os

Y! Ylir men

Ae! Aero Their

Era Mela os

Min Warb Naseu

Wilr Made Thaim

I Bormotha Hauni

Got Nafiskr Orf

Auim Suimade

Foki Afa Galande

Hu! War!

Hu war Opkam Har a Hit Lot

Bedrohlich, der germanische Wald

Schon seit Urzeit finster und kalt
Voller Tropfen, Geheimnisse und Lichter
Verflochten, verwoben in tote Gesichter
Es rinnt der Schweiss, es rinnt der Regen
Alle Legionäre müssen alles geben
Hosenlos, auf römisch`Art

Verschmutzt, erschöpft, doch ohne Bart
Bis zu den Knien im Schlamm sie waten
Sich immer enger und enger scharen
Tiefe Furcht sich in ihre Kehlen schnürt
Ob dem, was ein jeder hier spürt

Er scheint zu leben, der beklemmende Wald
Durch den ob Nebel und Regen nun nichts mehr schallt
Da schlägt ein Ast, da glotzt ein Pilz

Im Moor, es greift nach dir und deine Seele will´s!
So sind die Soldaten durchfroren und ohne Kraft
Alles durchnässt, dreie das Moor weg gerafft

Doch: “Semper fidelis!” Immer treu, folgen sie Varus, ihrem Führer
Den seinerseits Armin, der Cherusker führt
Plötzlich des Waldes nagendes Angstgefühl
Wandelt sich in Menschengewühl
Als der Cherusker einen Pfiff ertönen lässt
Und die Legionen stachen in ein Wespennest
Aus dem Schlamm, den Blättern auf Boden und Bäumen
Plötzlich unendlich Germanen schäumen
Ein Schrei wie von tausend Bären ertönt

Der der zu Tode erschöpften Römer Ängste nur nährt
Und schon, vom Schwerte ergraben der Blutstrom fliesst
Sich in tosendem Lärmen zu Boden ergiesst
Russgeschwärzt Germani alle
Bringen, getarnt hervorgestürmt den Tross zu Falle
Pfeile und Speere von Bäumen und Hügeln regnen
Als die Reihen der Römer behende sich ebnen
Doch auch schwarze Gesichter gehen nach Walhall
Und Blut und Schmerz ist allüberall

Es regnet Köpfe und Arme und Hände

Blutrot ist des Waldes Moor am Ende
Und zerrissenene Münder und Augen

Im Tode verzerrt aus der Erde nun schauen
Bis zur dritten Nacht zieht sich das Grauen

Im Lichte der Fackeln sieht man die Frauen
Wie sie berauben die Römer, finden den Mann
Weinend den Liebsten erkannt, der nicht entrann
Kaum zieht der Morgennebel seine Bahn
So sind schon Wolf und Aar heran
Letzen sich am unendlich geflossenen Strom
Totes Fleisch nun ihre Gier belohnt
Durch die Haufen zerfetzter Leiber

Wühlen schmatzend sich Reiter
Auf Bahren tote Cherusker ziehend
Waffenvertrieben die Gierigen fliehen
So werden die Gefallenen aufgeschichtet
Und durch Flammen nass schwelenden Holzes vernichtet
Nur die Römer bleiben, genagelt an Bäume im Blutmoor zurück
Auf Altären geopfert, Stück für Stück

Ihre Schädel und Waffen Wotan dargebracht

Im heiligen Haine, im Schutze der Nacht

Noch lange rauchen die Seelenfeuer
Durch die sich die Seele erneuert

Und weit in Walhalla droben

Noch lang´die Cherusker sich lobten

Wie brav sie die Römer erzogen!

Carpathian forest

Where the trees are endless

Forest titans fall to rest

A bed is made for the queen


Mushrooms gather in circles


Where bears walk

Dereliction houses dark spirits

A comet falls deep into darkness


Stones rise in circles


Where drums roar

Water whispers vibrating

People dance under the moon


In circles


Bone to Rune

Skull to Dust

Ice melts the thoughts of the gods

Root promises blossom

Grab bleibt Ekel jedem Edeling

Wenn faulendes Fleisch sich gaert

Grund klagt grausam kuehlend

Fahren die Gaben hin verfaulen Garben

Freude bricht fort Vertraege brechen

Ear byth egle eorla gehwylcun

dhonne faestlice flaesc onginneth

hraw colian hrusan ceosan blac to gebeddan bleda gedreosath

wynna gewitath wera geswicath

Feoh byth frofur fira gehwylcum

sceal dheah manna gehwylc miclun hyt daelan

gif he wile for drihtne domes hleotan


Ur byth anmod ond oferhyrned

felafrecne deor feohteþ mid hornum

maere morstapa thaet is modig wuht

Dhorn byth dhearle scearp dhegna gehwylcum

anfeng ys yfyl ungemetum rethe

manna gehwelcum dhe him mid restedhdh


Os byth ordfruma aelere spraece

wisdomes wrathu ond witena frofur

and eorla gehwam eadnys ond tohiht


Rad byth on recyde rinca gehwylcum

sefte ond swithhwaet dhamdhdhe sitteth on ufan

meare maegenheardum ofer milpathas


Cen byth cwicera gehwam, cuth on fyre

blac ond beorhtlic, byrneth oftust

dhaer hi aedhelingas inne restath


Gyfu gumena byth gleng and herenys

wrathu and wyrthscype and wraecna gehwam

ar and aetwist dhe byth othra leas


Wenne bruceth dhe can weana lyt

sares and sorge and him sylfa haefth

blaed and blysse and eac byrga geniht


Haegl byth hwitust corna hwyrft hit of heofones lyfte

wealcath hit windes scura weortheth hit to waetere sydhdhan


Nyd byth nearu on breostan weortheth hi theah oft nitha bearnum

to helpe and to haele gehwaethre gif hi his hlystath aeror


Is byth ofereald ungemetum slidor

glisnath glaeshluttur gimmum gelicust

flor forste geworuht faeger ansyne


Ger byth gumena hiht dhonne God laeteth

halig heofones cyning, hrusan syllan

beorhte bleda beornum ond dhearfum


Eoh byth utan unsmethe treow

heard hrusan faest hyrde fyres

wyrtrumun underwrethyd wyn on ethle


Peordh byth symble plega and hlehter

wlancum on middum dhar wigan sittath

on beorsele blithe aetsomne


Eolh-secg eard haefth oftust on fenne

wexedh on wature wundath grimme

blode brenedh beorna gehwylcne

dhe him aenigne onfeng gedeth


Sigel semannum symble bith on hihte

dhonne hi hine feriath ofer fisces beth

oth hi brimhengest bringeth to lande


Tir bith tacna sum healdedh trywa wel

with aethelingas a bith on faerylde

ofer nihta genipu, naefre swiceth


Beorc byth bleda leas bereth efne swa dheah

tanas butan tudder bith on telgum wlitig

heah on helme hrysted faegere

geloden leafum lyfte getenge


Eh byth for eorlum aethelinga wyn

hors hofum wlanc dhær him hæleth ymbe

welege on wicgum wrixlath spraece

and bith unstyllum aefre frofur


Man byth on myrgthe his magan leof:

sceal theah anra gehwylc odhrum swican

fordhum drihten wyle dome sine

thaet earme flaesc eorþan betaecan


Lagu byth leodum langsum gethuht

gif hi sculun nethan on nacan tealtum

and hi saeyþa swythe bregath

and se brimhengest bridles ne gymedh


Ing waes aerest mid East-Denum

gesewen secgun o he sidhdhan est

ofer waeg gewat waen aefter ran

dhus Heardingas dhone haele nemdun


Ethel byth oferleof aeghwylcum men

gif he mot dhaer rihtes and gerysena on

brucan on bolde bleadum oftast


Daeg byth drihtnes sond, deore mannum,

maere metodes leoht, myrgth and tohiht

eadgum and earmum eallum brice


Ac byth on eorthan elda bearnum

flaesces fodor fereth gelome

ofer ganotes baeth garsecg fandath

hwaether ac haebbe aeþele treowe


Aesc bith oferheah eldum dyre

stith on stathule stede rihte hylt,

dheah him feohtan on firas monige


Yr byth aethelinga and eorla gehwaes

wyn and wyrthmynd, byth on wicge faeger

faestlic on faerelde fyrdgeatewa sum


Iar byth eafix and dheah a bruceth

fodres on foldan, hafath faegerne eard

wætre beworpen dhaer he wynnum leofath


Ear byth egle eorla gehwylcun

dhonne faestlice flaesc onginneth

hraw colian hrusan ceosan

blac to gebeddan bleda gedreosath

wynna gewitath wera geswicath

Harigasti Teiwa


Tawol Athodu

Ek Erilaz Owlthuthewaz Niwaremariz Saawilagar Hateka Harja


Ha Hu Hi He Ho He Hi Ha Hu


Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenaz

Gebo Wunjo Hagal Naudhiz Isa Jera

Eihwaz Perthro Algiz Sowelu Tiwaz Berkano

Ehwaz Mannaz Laguz Ingwaz Dagaz Othala


Wuotani Ruoperath


Gleiaugiz Eiurzi

Au Is Urki

Uiniz Ik

Da ist keine Welt über dir

Da ist keine Welt unter dir

Ist keine Welt vor dir

Ist keine Welt hinter dir

Keine Welt neben dir


In der der Hammer den Krug nicht zerschlaegt

In der Eis das fauchende Feuer füttert

In der nicht selbst der kleinste Strauch danach trachtet

Seinen Nachbarn

Zu ueberwachsen, zu ueberwuchern, zu ueberwinden


Wenn die Stunde Schmerz geschlagen hat

Heisst es du oder ich

Leben ist atmen, kaempfen und leiden

Tapfer jeden Tag

Erst der gefürchtete Letzte leiht Frieden


Keine Welt

Die nicht vom Willen zum Wachsen, zum Leben, zur Macht beherrscht wird

Denn auch du

Traegst diesen Kern in dir

Selbst wenn deine Sonne Demut heisst

Und dein Feind daselbst doch du nur bist


Diesen Kern

Aus Todesangst und Lebenswillen

Der dann doch nur Liebe ist

Und in sich selbst zerschmilzt


Dein Wille waltet die Welt

Als ganzes Gesetz

Deiner Truebsal Talestiefe

Misst deiner hellen Freude Bergfeste Höhe einst


Wasser wallt weihend

Rinnt reinigend herein und heraus

Waescht hinfort Wundgeister

Graemt Wahngeister


Der weise Wanderer

Bricht nur Zelte ab im Weiterziehen

Bricht keine Bruecken

Denn man weiss nicht wann man ihrer wieder bedarf


Der Neidkoenigin Narben

Gestuerzter Drudenfuss geschnitzt so tief

Kains Zeichen ziert die Kalte

Schossverwundet schon so lange


Bis zum Blute stach ich den Baeren einst

Mit dem staerksten aller Staebe

Mondengleich leuchtet´s aus dem Munde mir

Mottenmaul mein Name ist Gier




Alfadhirhaiti is about Odin, the god of war and poetry.

It starts with describing his features, who also points to his function as the first shaman.

Draupnir is the name of his ring, that produces nine rings every ninth night, so rings roll on a frame drum and produce a snaring sound. More rings fall on a pile of rings rhythmically.

Geri and Freki are the names of the wolves that are always with Odin, so you hear them howling and gnarling, hungry for the flesh of the fallen.

Sleipnir is the name of the eight-legged horse, that provides the distinctive rhythm.

At last it is Hugin and Munin, the two ravens, mind and memory, that count in for the warrior chorus.

The lyrics of the chant come from a spear shaft, found in Kragehul, Denmark.

The meaning of some of the rune inscriptions is discussed controversially in science, so we will not get into it too much, but the Kragehul inscription seems to be a battle cry and a spear blessing. At least that is what we read out of the different attempts of translation.

Finally, the song reaches the point where 32 names (Kenningar) of Odin are recited, following the order of the younger rune alphabet.

Most of the names are known from original sources, but some of them are by Heilung, in order to have 16 stave rhymes.

Krigsgaldr is a piece that contains an old and a modern language.

The ancient Norse part comes from the Eggja rune stone, Norway.

The stone is dated to the 7th until 8th century, so it is slightly pre Viking age.

It is just a part of the inscription we sing, but it gives the listener the chance to experience a song in late iron age meter.

Whatever the words may exactly mean is again topic of a big scientific discussion.

It is not our intention to meddle in that discussion, our attempt is to make the listener feel the fascination of the spells.

We want to give the runes a voice again, give them vibe again.

It is one thing to read about the runes, see a documentary about them.

But when your fingers run along the ancient lines, when you stand in a stone circle it is a different thing.

With this piece, we try to transport that shiver you feel on the ancient sites, that creepy feeling to sit on a grave mound in twilight and listen to what the wind has to say…

In Krigsgaldr you can hear the sound of death for the first time, the clicking rhythm is made with human bones.

The modern part could be the words of a Volva or Shaman in trance, possessed by an angry spirit.

English was the language of choice as the most common Germanic  spoken language today.

In Hakkerskaldyr we continue to play with the Eggja inscription.

Hakkerskaldyr is the continuation of Krigsgaldr, the growing power of sounds and the fading away of it with the last whistling and humming.

There are many theories about, how the music of the Viking period and the earlier ages actually sounded.

Some say, it is close to the old songs we still find for example in Karelia and other rural Scandinavian areas, others point to the roman description of the so called “Furor Teutonicus”. A fear triggering type of chanting, that was used in battle and made the ground shake.

We still find soundscapes like that today in the Polynesian and other unbroken tribal traditions.

We aim to give that impression with Hakkerskaldyr.

Here you hear the war horns, called Lure or Carnyx. The rhythm is made by shields and swords and the voices of warriors, more shouting in rage than singing.

Price for example stresses the connection of spirituality and warfare among the Germanic tribes, so in Hakkerskaldyr you hear the priests singing that doom promising vibe in the background.

Describes the battle of the Teutoburg forest in 9 AD. It starts out with verbally painting the picture of the old and dense, wet forest, followed by the fear of the roman legionaries and the cruelty of the fights. The legions end up in anambush that the Germanic tribes prepared for them.Human sacrifices in the aftermath of the battle are described. It ends with the burial rites of the tribes, pyres burning on a misty morning, filling the valleys with heavy, sweet smoke. The last desperate cries are the words of the roman emperor, when he gets to know the tremendous loss.

Carpathian forest is the essence of a workshop about shamanism situated in the Romanian Carpathians.

Due to the nature of shamanistic teaching, Heilung is not supposed to transfer non encrypted information, but the song invites you in a dream made from mystic, wet autumn forest, that smells like mushrooms…


Describes the battle of the Teutoburg forest in 9 AD. It starts out with verbally painting the picture of the old and dense, wet forest, followed by the fear of the roman legionaries and the cruelty of the fights. The legions end up in an ambush that the Germanic tribes prepared for them.

Human sacrifices in the aftermath of the battle are described.

It ends with the burial rites of the tribes, pyres burning on a misty morning, filling the valleys with heavy, sweet smoke.

The last desperate cries are the words of the roman emperor, when he gets to know the tremendous loss.

Right before the recordings of the vocals for Fylgja, a fellow, dear musician passed away from this existence. Despite our plans, we decided to continue the recordings and create the piece around the death rune, feeding the sorrow to the sound.

The clicking rhythm you hear in this piece, is created by human forearm bones.

Originally, the song was supposed to be about the guardian spirits, that help one in and out of this life and protect in the meantime. They are most active in extreme situations and crisis, so we decided to keep the original title.

Futhorck is the recitation of the old English rune alphabet. All lyrics are originals from the 8-9 century.

We chose a strong Germanic pronunciation to show the connection in the Germanic languages.

People from Holland, England, Germany and Scandinavia will be able to connect some of the words to their modern languages.

This poem was recited in a trance-like state during the recording and the listener can easily follow the different mood each rune carries.

In Maidian starts with vocalizing the oldest rune inscription we know, followed by the recitation of the rune names from the elder Futhark.

You can hear the pain of an overpowering trance that inspires tension, only to feel double relief as the intensity eases.

The underlining of the song was recorded on a windy day under the birch trees.

The frame drums used on all recordings were made by Kai in a way unchanged since the stone age, with goat, horse and deer skin.

The paste slows down continuously during the song, very slowly, nearly not recognizable.

The final words are partly from an old runemaster, that called himself “the one with glancy eyes”.

Mushrooms played an important role in pre Christian spirituality. Many of the sounds you hear in Afhomon come out of the worlds the mushrooms lead you to.

The song is underlined with the sound of grinding stones, an old shamanic technique where one sits out in nature and grind meditatively for hours. Also here it is expressed in sounds when the shadows creeps out of the dark into your conscience. But also the blissful moment of being able to breathe under water.

In the outro the heartbeat of being in deep meditation prevails and the mantra is a blessing for luck and love.